:PROPERTIES: :ID: 9495d266-c8ec-486d-9a05-a413910f9d10 :END: #+title: Text Encoding Initiative #+date: "2020-04-12 13:07:20 +08:00" #+date_modified: "2021-06-19 14:45:10 +08:00" #+language: en Having your research stored as text files written in a lightweight markup language is great. However, certain information can still get lost in the way. For example, certain words like "London" can either mean the famous capital of England, a city in France, or certain people with the name. You can find similar situations with Wikipedia disambiguation pages (like the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_(disambiguation)][previous example]]). [[https://tei-c.org/][Text Encoding Initiative]] (TEI) attempts to solve exactly that. It's a standard that focuses on the semantic meaning of the words. Being a standard, it also frees the writers from software dependency and developers have to follow it instead. The specification uses XML for markup and there are [[https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Category:Tools][various tools]] for creating TEI-specific contents aside from the already existing ecosystem of XML-related tools. It can also export into various formats through [[https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets][XSLT 2.0 stylesheets]] including HTML, LaTeX, and JSON files.