#+title: Fleeting notes #+date: "2020-06-25 13:12:09 +08:00" #+date_modified: "2021-04-24 01:40:53 +08:00" #+language: en Fleeting notes are a valuable scratchpad for our messy thoughts — it's natural to have a messy input since they are catered only to yourself. With messy thoughts and inputs, you should [[file:2020-06-25-12-37-23.org][Create a writing inbox to store your thoughts]] all in one place. You could search through them with various search techniques to quickly retrieve them (see [[file:2020-06-27-16-21-47.org][Apply search tools and techniques for your digital library]]). Then, select certain fleeting notes and improve upon them eventually creating [[file:2020-05-07-21-53-21.org][Evergreen notes]].