#+title: FFmpeg #+date: "2021-05-09 16:40:50 +08:00" #+date_modified: "2021-05-09 17:13:35 +08:00" #+language: en The swiss army knife for interacting with multimedia files (except images because ImageMagick). * Options The FFmpeg command line interface is mostly picky because of order. Whatever options are given will be processed with those options in order. - ~-hide_banner~ - hide the annoying banner - ~-loglevel [level] | -v [level]~ - set the verbosity level - ~-codecs~ - list all codecs - ~-devices~ - list all devices - ~-i [file]~ - the input file - ~c [codec]~ - set the codec - ~-b [rate]~ - set the bitrate - ~-o [file]~ - set the output Certain options have the option of specifying whether you're interacting with the audio or video track. For example, ~-codec:audio~ (~-c:a~) to set the audio codec. * Examples FFmpeg is comprehensive and so needs some specific examples to fill my monkey brain. ** Convert an MP3 to OGG #+begin_src shell ffmpeg -i $INPUT.mp3 -o $OUTPUT.ogg #+end_src By default, FFmpeg will guess if certain things are missing. In this case, it guessed you want to convert the ** Transrate an audio file #+begin_src shell ffmpeg -i $INPUT -c $CODE -b:a $BITRATE $OUTPUT #+end_src