:PROPERTIES: :ID: e4dba4ef-71dd-4d30-9a2c-4ad97223510b :END: #+title: systemd-networkd #+date: 2021-08-07 20:01:23 +08:00 #+date_modified: 2021-08-07 20:06:47 +08:00 #+language: en With a systemd-ful environment, you can run the network daemon (i.e., =systemd-networkd=). Once enabled, you can run =networkctl= to list all of the network devices. [fn:: You can also run ~ip address~ for it.] #+begin_src shell :cache yes networkctl #+end_src #+results[84c83a400d07ef38e6813bc9ce677cef8a38bd66]: : IDX LINK TYPE OPERATIONAL SETUP : 1 lo loopback carrier unmanaged : 2 enp1s0 ether routable configured : 3 wlan0 wlan routable configured : : 3 links listed. To configure network manager, you can create a network file in one of systemd unit file paths in the system. Each of the device will be assigned an IP address. You can either assign an IP address or dynamically assign them in some way. One of the common ways to do dynamic IP addresses is installing a DHCP server (which is another thing to be configured). Here's an example of configuring any wireless devices and assigning a dynamic IP addresses with [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Network_configuration#DHCP][DHCP]]. #+begin_src [Match] Type=wlan [Network] DHCP=yes IPv6PrivacyExtensions=yes [DHCPv4] RouteMetric=1024 [DHCPv6] RouteMetric=1024 #+end_src