:PROPERTIES: :ID: 08f43012-a152-48c4-8943-9fe557a39232 :END: #+title: Cookiecutter #+date: "2021-07-16 16:40:44 +08:00" #+date_modified: "2021-07-20 01:59:09 +08:00" #+language: en #+property: header_args :eval no A project scaffolding tool enabling to create projects instantly. You can generate projects from your own Cookiecutter template or [[https://github.com/topics/cookiecutter-template][others' template]]. * Features - The tool makes use of Jinja2 for templating. - Template files and directories name. - Hooks either with a shell or Python script. * Ecosystem - [[https://github.com/topics/cookiecutter-template][Cookiecutter has plenty of templates available online]] - [[https://github.com/cruft/cruft][Cruft]] is a boilerplate manager allowing you to update templates after scaffolding, check and validate the templates, and 100% compatibility with Cookiecutter templates - a couple of Cookiecutter templates maintained by the team includes [[https://github.com/pydanny/cookiecutter-django][cookiecutter-django]] and [[https://github.com/audreyfeldroy/cookiecutter-pypackage][cookiecutter-pypackage]]; good examples to get started presenting how complex a template can be