#+TITLE: Org-mode #+AUTHOR: "Gabriel Arazas" #+EMAIL: "foo.dogsquared@gmail.com" #+DATE: "2020-04-20 16:51:40 +08:00" #+DATE_MODIFIED: "2020-09-09 05:17:29 +08:00" #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: toc:t #+PROPERTY: header-args :exports both #+TAGS: tools writing At its core, [[https://orgmode.org/][Org-mode]] is a [[file:2020-04-23-23-21-47.org][Personal information management]] tool that deals with your tasks and schedules. Nowadays, it sports a lightweight markup language and a framework that allows arbitrarily inserting output of code of various programming languages. With these features, Org-mode is known as one of the many tool for [[file:2020-04-12-11-20-53.org][Reproducible research]] which also serves as a solid tool for [[file:2020-04-15-14-35-55.org][Note-taking]] as well.