:ID:       564b829b-8c8f-4d4d-85f2-5125892de83a
:roam_refs: @andrewhuangLearnMusicTheory
#+title: Learn music theory in half an hour
#+date: 2021-07-21 14:29:42 +08:00
#+date_modified: 2021-11-07 18:34:30 +08:00
#+language: en
#+source: https://youtu.be/rgaTLrZGlk0

- sounds are vibrations of air just repeated quickly in a short period of time
- for the sake of easily referring to the sounds, we name them;
  *the commonly agreed number of notes are 12 composing of an octave*;
- scales are the flavor of the song;
  certain genres are often written in some scales (e.g., blues are often written in Emaj)
- major scales; WWhWWWh
- minor scales; WWWhWWh

* Exercises

- practice applying the major scale for 5
  + D E Fb G A B C# D
  + E# G A A# C D E E# [fn:: Yes, this is just F. It's still a nice exercise sample, though.]
  + A# C D D# F G A A#
  + G A B C D E F# G
  + C D E F G A B C
  + A B C# D E F# G# A

- practice getting familiar with their letter names
  + assuming A# is the root of the major scale
    - A# is the first
    - C is the second of A#maj
    - D# is the fourth of A#maj
    - D is the third
    - G is the sixth of A#maj

- practice making triads from first through sixth degrees of a major scale
  + G major scale:
    - G B D = Gmaj
    - A C E = Amin
    - B D F# = Bmin
    - C E G = Cmaj
    - D F# A = Dmaj
    - E G B = Emin
    - F# A C = F#dim
  + A major scale:
    - A C# E = Amaj
    - B D F# = Bmin
    - C# E G# = C#min
    - D F# A = Dmaj
    - E G# B = Emaj
    - F# A C# = F#min
    - G# B D = G#dim
  + C major scale:
    - C E G = Cmaj
    - D F A = Dmin
    - E G B = Emin
    - F A C = Fmaj
    - G B D = Gmaj
    - A C E = Amin
    - B D F = Bdim
- each of them has a certain pattern: maj, min, min, maj, maj, min, dim

- practice making chord progressions with numbers
  + 1 4 2 5 in G and A key
  + 4 2 1 1 6 in E
  + 3 1 4 in C

#+begin_src lilypond  :file chord-progressions.png
