:PROPERTIES: :ID: 5c4641ab-91d5-4cd6-bdec-4f899fdd9ea5 :END: #+title: Neovim text objects #+date: 2022-04-01 16:06:02 +08:00 #+date_modified: 2022-05-22 22:46:31 +08:00 #+language: en (Neo)Vim has a bunch of text objects that are beyond simple boundaries other than a word (=aw=, =aW=). You can find more of them with =text-objects= section from [[id:0a0fe63e-dcf3-4928-9e82-5513784c1244][Neovim help system]]. | Text object | Description | |-------------+-------------------------------------| | =ap= | A paragraph, equivalent to =}=. | | =as= | A sentence, equivalent to =)=. | | =ab= | A '( )' block. | | =aB= | A '{ }' block. | | =a"= | Content inside double-quotes (="=). | There is also a variation for selecting only the inner content of the previous text objects (e.g., =ip= for the inner paragraph, =is= for inner sentence) with the whitespace removed. Note that selecting with text objects is different from selecting with [[roam:Neovim motions]] where it refers to the current position up to the end of the next selection. Meanwhile, text objects selection will select to the referred object as a whole no matter where the cursor position. For example, selecting with the paragraph (i.e., =vap=) will select the whole paragraph where the cursor rests. Aside from the built-in text objects, you can create your own. Which also means others have created some custom text objects. - [[https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects][nvim-treesitter-textobjects]] add text objects support for selecting (and swapping, moving, and peeking) tree-sitter nodes. (Assuming you have tree-sitter support enabled for Neovim.)