:PROPERTIES: :ID: 28ed1d6a-42c1-4763-b8a2-4c644fa385ef :END: #+title: Vagrant #+date: "2021-06-19 00:36:24 +08:00" #+date_modified: "2021-07-20 23:33:02 +08:00" #+language: en - automating virtual machine workflows with plain-text files - can talk to different VM providers — e.g., Virtualbox, KVM - almost similar to Docker that is provides isolation and virtualization but it can support more use cases with the operating system configurations - similarly, it also has a [[https://vagrantcloud.com/boxes/search][public catalog of images]] (or boxes) - the directory where the Vagrantfile is set will be mounted on =/vagrant= on the VM by default - plugins are available extending support for several providers such as libvirt - you can further customize the box to your specific needs by creating [[https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/provisioning][provisions]]