:PROPERTIES: :ID: 093b340a-3f5e-4a46-9017-f74b89caab13 :END: #+title: Anki: Learning process #+date: "2021-05-12 13:09:27 +08:00" #+date_modified: "2021-05-12 13:30:08 +08:00" #+language: en #+property: anki_deck Learning process The cards here are based from the course titled "Learning how to learn" taught by Barbara Oakley and Terence Sejnowski. * Pitfalls and illusions of competence :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_DECK: Learning process :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Styled cards :END: ** Front Give various pitfalls and illusions of competence to look out when learning. ** Back - *The presence of the material itself* can cause students to foolishly think they already know about the subject. - Similarly, *studying with solutions can be a trap if you focus on the what and how rather than the why*. - Various common practices such as highlighting, rereading, and mind mapping are not as effective and only applicable in specific situations. - The einstellung mindset, *being invested in an idea that you can't see other solutions*. - Similarly, *overlearning can occur if you're aiming for complete mastery when you should move on after understanding the concept*. * Practices for studying :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Styled cards :END: ** Front Give various practices for studying effectively. ** Back :PROPERTIES: :ID: 85cd8ec5-c96c-496f-a748-5dd9d2c1136d :END: - *Recalling is one of the more effective practices compared to rereading or highlighting.* Self-testing is one of the better strategies, overall. - *Prefer spaced repetition* over cramming as scientifically, the learning process takes some time to settle. - *Get the key ideas ahead* and as you're studying, fill the details. This includes skimming — reading through the chapter, looking at the keywords. - *Practice interleaving your studies* — that is, studying other subjects and/or moving to later topics as you understand the topic. - *Focus, understand, and practice.* Learning can occur bottom-up (learning the details of a problem) and top-down (learning the bigger picture of a topic). Using both creates context and that's where you put your understanding to the test as you learn when to apply what you've learn. - Use memory palace technique — that is, to *create analogies, narratives, and mnemonics*.