:PROPERTIES: :ID: c278f8ce-32c1-4df4-8b91-e0325eb37778 :END: #+title: Clash of Clans art style #+date: 2022-05-21 08:22:57 +08:00 #+date_modified: 2022-05-21 09:06:54 +08:00 #+language: en - the overall [[id:e527e948-911f-4719-8cd4-8b9dac7e6318][Supercell games art style]] is already great but we'll inspect one of their games extensively with Clash of Clans - just like most of their games, Clash of Clans mainly features a semi-blocky cartoonish art style with a realistic 3D model - all of their models are a nice of example of simple but great with subtle details on their units; this can be seen in their environments: terrain, models, units, and buildings; it's what made them to be individuals despite there can be multiple of them; furthermore, this whats makes them easy to remember and memorable - most (if not all) objects in the game have this hand-crafted feel to them; this could be seen when inspected closely with the [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Statscell/clash-assets/main/troops/models/Barbarian.png][barbarian's]] chipped sword or the [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Statscell/clash-assets/main/troops/models/Wall_Wrecker.png][wall wrecker]] being a siege machine with the wooden texture and metallic accents - combine this with their cartoonish art style, it is very nice to look at - the art style in the rendered image begins to pop out even more in [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdOkHJjLP2Q][their]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8S-Ee-TZzc][videos]] - though, the same cannot be said for the in-game sprites for units are due to how the game uses them; they still need to be recognizable but it will have multiple instances of them;