#+title: Packaging Rust crates in GNU Guix #+author: Efraim Flashner #+date: "2021-04-26 02:20:34 +08:00" #+date_modified: "2021-04-26 15:06:09 +08:00" #+language: en #+source: https://av.tib.eu/media/47417 - Not much people who're familiar with Rust, apparently (at least at the time of the talk). Nonetheless, Rust-based tools are included. - Created an importer using the Crates.io API. With the importer, it can recursively build the module all the way down (most of the time). - It pulls all of the dependencies. The side effect is that every package has to be defined. The importer just makes it easier. - The community have a preference to shared libraries and sources. Vendoring is not much of a popular option. Since Rust downloads everything and the community wants to reuse the components, it seems the solution is to package everything.