:PROPERTIES: :ID: 7382c605-b481-4baa-997a-317f6cb1819c :END: #+title: Self-learning is about responsibility #+date: 2021-07-22 14:24:00 +08:00 #+date_modified: 2021-07-22 14:24:10 +08:00 #+language: en - teaching others is an art and a science dealing with the individuality of the students; in a similar way, self-teaching is dealing with your individuality - in a sense, it is about responsibility - having the discipline to evaluate and criticise yourself, applying all of the [[id:125ca096-9769-465f-b923-ed1fd7956ae0][Learning techniques]] yourself - it isn't about learning on your own, either; this is especially true with [[id:9b669fd4-e04e-43dd-a61e-81dea5ec0764][Deliberate practice]] where the main component is feedback; you can learn from others, too, as to [[id:6f9c552f-055b-4238-874e-8608006ce0ca][Communicate with others to learn]] including taking and giving criticisms, passively expanding your view