:PROPERTIES: :ID: 12dc8b07-ed8b-46d8-bff0-a38d9f3cb83b :END: #+title: Diving head-first with a difficult problem is a good indicator of progress #+date: "2021-05-20 20:25:47 +08:00" #+date_modified: "2021-06-18 22:46:45 +08:00" #+language: en - when starting to learn, diving into problems are often seen as a bad thing - it is essentially like trying to learn to swim on an ocean + it could be effective if we have a lifeguard - this sink-or-swim mentality can be great if we're to make a difficult problem as our model for progress - for example, if you're trying to learn 3D modelling by recreating a massive landscape, you can start with it as an initial exercise - at first try, it will fail but you can retry maybe next month to see how well you improve - a difficult problem can give us a clear indication of our progress - contrast this to learning by starting with the simplest possible example - in some capacity, we already have been doing this since we have an idea of what we want to do + a lot of our inspirations tend to be people with advanced levels - beware, [[id:48cef2ac-a941-463d-a07f-6be8349456ad][Diving head-first into a difficult problem makes a bad start]]