:PROPERTIES: :ID: 909b4830-72c8-4943-be47-efaf77e40253 :END: #+title: Professional narcissism #+date: "2021-05-20 20:17:36 +08:00" #+date_modified: "2021-07-19 17:46:44 +08:00" #+language: en Per Pinker: #+begin_quote The confusion of the activities of your guild, profession, or field with the subject matter designed to deal with. #+end_quote - coined by Steven Pinker from his book, "The sense of style" - focuses on an unrelated thing of your study or activity - some examples + in film, instead of focusing what movie is about, they boast about the sales or views + in media, "cover the coverage", a problem leading to echo chambers + in learning, instead of focusing what and why of a note-taking method, they focus on the possible effects of your productivity - this could also happen on yourself + in note-taking, you may focus on the number of notes, neglecting certain aspects such as the purpose and the quality of the notes + in programming, you may boast how the program is fast instead of making sure the program is usable