:PROPERTIES: :ID: 25fb4ebf-2cc4-40fe-93ad-37a79aedfb41 :END: #+title: The basics of memory #+date: 2021-05-02 23:05:42 +08:00 #+date_modified: 2021-07-21 15:32:47 +08:00 #+language: en As for this note, we'll talk about the basics of memory neuroscientifically. - To understand the memory, we need to know the [[id:6e8912b3-1687-47dc-9d85-269ea6372317][Anatomy of the brain]]. - With the basic understanding of the brain, we then study the process of memory. We often summarizes this as the [[id:d0d97498-3cb1-4cf7-abe5-327cbb89ff29][Working and long-term memory]]. - Our learning sessions are also dictated by our mood. In this case, we have [[id:8b1be01b-d7d4-4590-a3a8-1fa27b3eef4e][Learning modes]].