:PROPERTIES: :ID: 994be8e1-6bf2-4621-adf2-1c9a5ec46521 :END: #+title: Anki: Emacs #+date: "2021-05-02 19:18:32 +08:00" #+date_modified: "2021-05-04 20:51:29 +08:00" #+language: en #+property: anki_deck Emacs * The overview of buffers :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Styled cards :ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1620039512243 :END: ** Front What is a buffer? ** Back A buffer is anything that Emacs displays. It usually display file contents among other examples with ~butterfly~, ~doctor~, or the starting buffer when you first open Emacs. While buffers usually have an associated file path, a buffer doesn't need one. This is one of the concepts that is applied to other text editors (Vim, Atom, Visual Studio Code). * The basics of modes :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Styled cards :ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1620039513634 :END: ** Front What is a mode? ** Back A mode is set of behavior quite similar to Vim modes. Emacs further divides modes into two. *Major modes are Emacs' way of supporting programming languages and file formats.* Programming language support usually comes in major mode — e.g., ~R-mode~ for R files, ~python-mode~ for Python scripts, ~org-mode~ for Org mode documents. Think of them as an equivalent to Vim's filetype. Only one major mode can be activated in one buffer at a time and all buffers have a major mode. *Minor modes usually contain little behavioral changes that improve the editing experience.* When enabled, some of them are global modes — affecting every buffer in your session. Others are only buffer-local — affecting only the buffer when you activated the mode. Unlike major modes, multiple minor modes can be enabled at any given time. * Eagle's eye view of a window :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_DECK: Emacs :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Styled cards :ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1620039514055 :END: ** Front What is a window? ** Back A window is where the buffers are being displayed. One window can display all buffers but only one at a time. To display two buffers at a single time, just add another window. All windows display the same buffer; if the buffer is modified in one of the window, it will show the changes in all windows. * Point and marker :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Styled cards :ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1620040989788 :END: ** Front What is a point and a marker? ** Back A point is the current location of the cursor in the buffer. You can get the point with ~point~ function. Often helpful for interacting with buffers. A marker is another point in the buffer. It is usually found when interacting with regions when asked for the two points (i.e., the beginning and the ending position). Furthermore, a marker can be used to save locations and jump back to that marker when asked.