Fundamentals of music theory

\paper {

The course took notes from the Edinburgh's course for musical theory. Keep in mind this course mainly deals with western musical concepts and notations called Common Practice.

Week 1

  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Aeolian"
  \relative a' { a b c d e f g a }
  \addlyrics { A B C D E F G A }

  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Ionian"
  \relative c' { c d e f g a b c }
  \addlyrics { C D E F G A B C }

\chordmode { c1 d e f g a b }
\addlyrics { I II III IV V VI VII }

Week 2

\relative c' { cis dis }

\chordmode { g a b c' d' e' fis' g' }

\relative c' { c a'' }