#+title: journalctl
#+date: "2021-05-20 23:07:39 +08:00"
#+date_modified: "2021-05-21 18:40:02 +08:00"
#+language: en
#+property: header-args  :results none

The logging daemon of systemd.
Not only it can view your logs, you can ask to view specific logs and delete some of them.

For more information, see =journalctl.1= manual page.

* Options

- ~-b, --boot~ - show the logs starting from boot time
- ~-e, --pager-end~ - go to the end of the logs
- ~-f, --follow~ - watch the logs
- ~--user-unit~ - show logs from a user unit
- ~-u, --unit [UNIT]~ - show the logs of a system unit
- ~--vacuum-time=[TIMESPAN]~ - delete logs older than the specified timespan [fn:: View =systemd.time.5= for more information.]
- ~-x, --catalog~ - prints helpful messages such as the documentation URIs

* Examples

This tool is already comprehensive.
Needs a comprehensive database of examples to fight against this scope.

** Watch the logs from a specific unit at boot time

journalctl --user-unit borgbackup.service -fb

** Delete the logs older than a month

journalctl --vacuum-time=1m

** View the latest logs with helpful messages

journalctl -xe