#+TITLE: The overview of a programming environment #+TAGS: compsci The study of [[file:computational-processes.org][computational processes]] start with the study of a programming environment. The programming environment is mostly a given in programming but let's inspect and state some things (and some are obvious) about it. * The elements of programming A programming language enables you to make the following: - Expressions ranging from a primitive value to a complex type. - A way to combine simple things into complex ones. - A way to abstract. * Expressions Expressions may be of a primitive value (e.g., ~265~, ~-1.0~, ~'string~) or *combinations* which are composed of operators and expressions (e.g., ~(+ 2 6)~, ~(* 6 3)~). An expression can also hold expressions referred to as a subexpression (e.g., ~(+ (* 5 12) (- 54 6) 9)~). [fn:: In Lisp, it uses the *prefix notation* which places the operator in the leftmost of the expression. It has the advantage of removing ambiguity for indicating its arguments (e.g., ~5 + 67 + (6 * 4)~ vs ~(+ 5 67 (* 6 4))~).] * Namespacing and function composition A programming environment should have a way to refer to computational objects. These often comes in the form of names with each referring to a value (e.g., ~(define x 10)~). A programming language should also provide the way to combine simple procedures to compound procedures (e.g., ~(define (square x) (* x x))~) which can be referred to by name (e.g., ~(square 10)~ evaluates to ~100~). With that said, we can then combine compound procedures to create a procedure of higher level (e.g., ~(define (sum-of-squares x y) (+ (square x) (square y)))~). * Conditionals With expressions, environment, and function composition, we can create simple programs. However, we cannot create functions that may test for the value (e.g., [[wikipedia:Piecewise functions][piecewise functions]]). For this, a way to conditionally evaluate a value is a must for a programming language. Here's an example function of getting the absolute value of a number. #+BEGIN_SRC scheme :results silent (define (abs x) (cond ((< x 0) (- x)) (else x))) #+END_SRC * Evaluation model Each interpreter implements a different way to evaluate expressions. One of the simplest evaluation model is the *substitution model* [fn:: It is also used as a introductory tool for learning interpreters even though this is not how interpreters really work.]. The substitution model works by knowing the meaning of each value and substituting the value with its equivalent. [fn:: The substitution model can also evaluate in *applicative* or *normal* order.] * Related resources - [[https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-10.html][/Structure and interpretation of computer programs/, chapter 1]]