:PROPERTIES: :ID: 01459b18-3f30-418e-bd8d-42661d5ea223 :END: #+title: Start with wishful thinking #+date: "2021-06-21 10:08:01 +08:00" #+date_modified: "2021-07-20 14:38:45 +08:00" #+language: en In other words, start with the end result. Whether it usually involves something like wanting to create a 2.5D fighting game rivalling [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arc_System_Works][Arc System Works]], a gorgeous anime-inspired illustration, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF9I1GxNdJQ][a flashy short animation]], or [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwR0zFe57Y4][a cool-looking demoscene]]. This is also the core of prototyping, starting with the end product and getting there no matter how badly implemented. - In programming, we usually call this abstractions where we don't need to worry about the implementation details and whatnot. Some would even take one more step by starting with the user-oriented documentation or unit tests. - In learning, we could start with our end-goal dreaming about the completed project. This is quite similar to [[https://collegeinfogeek.com/about/meet-the-author/my-impossible-list/][Thomas Frank's impossible list]] that we explicitly say what we want to do. We could apply the principle what we want to do when we learn a skill. However, focusing too much on the destination can block your progress from having a clear sight on how to get there. Sometimes, the endgoal is tad more difficult. [[id:48cef2ac-a941-463d-a07f-6be8349456ad][Diving head-first into a difficult problem makes a bad start]]. We can [[id:92a10fe2-f4d1-4e5e-b5f4-3779db13a2e5][Create roadmaps to stay on track]] and establish milestones. It allows to make iterations with a [[id:05a39f96-fb1c-4d71-9be1-fc4c2e251e8f][Start small and improve later]]-kind of workflow.