#+title: Command line: mpc #+date: "2021-06-22 19:10:53 +08:00" #+date_modified: "2021-07-19 21:55:37 +08:00" #+language: en mpc is a command line client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD). Pretty nifty for controlling it in the command line and a bit of automation. * Subcommands The subcommands mainly deals with interacting with the server, letting you play and manage your music in the command line! - =listall= lists all of the recognized files from the music directory. - =play= play the playlist from the server. - =add [FILES...]= add the files (that are in the music directory) to the playlist. * Examples Welp, it's a music daemon client so it should be simple enough. ** Randomized playlist Even more useful if you schedule it. #+begin_src shell mpc listall | shuf --head-count 10 | xargs --replace='{}' mpc add '{}' #+end_src