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title = {Alan {{Kay}} - {{Lecture}}: {{History}} of {{Computers}} \& {{User Interface Images}} \& {{Symbols}} - {{Oct}} 1987},
shorttitle = {Alan {{Kay}} - {{Lecture}}},
date = {2016-04-18},
url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZdxiQoOBgs&feature=youtu.be&t=3080},
urldate = {2020-07-06},
abstract = {This is part of the University Video Communication - Distinguished Lecture Series on history of computers and human machine interaction. Alan Kay in this lecture goes over the full history of computer with special empahis on first attempts for creating an interactive User Interface and the mouse/keyboard.
This lecture goes under the title: "Doing with images makes symbols : communicating with computers" which was recorded in Oct 27, 1987 and sponsored by Apple Computers.
For those who do not know - Alan Kay's research and ideas on User Interface Design were the foundation of Apple and Windows.
This is of two vidoe tapes I had laying in my library for many years - since 1994 - and recently decided to digitize and upload and share.}
title = {Reproducible Research: Methodological Principles for Transparent Science},
author = {Arnaud, Legrand and Christophe, Pouzat and Konrad, Hinsen},
url = {https://www.fun-mooc.fr/courses/course-v1:inria+41016+self-paced/},
urldate = {2020-07-13},
abstract = {The course deals in a practical way with topics such as note-taking, computational documentation, replicability of analyses. It gives you the basis for reproducible research and explains how to use the reliable tools.},
langid = {english}
title = {The {{eBethArké Syriac}} Digital Library: A Case Study},
shorttitle = {The {{eBethArké Syriac}} Digital Library},
author = {Beard, Isaiah},
date = {2017-01-01},
journaltitle = {Digital Library Perspectives},
volume = {33},
pages = {40--47},
publisher = {{Emerald Publishing Limited}},
issn = {2059-5816},
doi = {10.1108/DLP-07-2016-0017},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1108/DLP-07-2016-0017},
urldate = {2020-06-25},
abstract = {Purpose The purpose of this paper is to review and describe the teamwork, collaboration and learning experiences involved in meeting the unique challenges of establishing a new digital library for Syriac collections. The eBetharké Syriac Digital Library Portal is a collaborative effort between the libraries at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and the Beth Mardutho Syriac Institute, a traditional library of texts, to create a specialized digital library collection online. This digital library features content in and relating to Syriac, an Aramaic dialect spoken in the first century A.D. and for which a great deal of historically significant documents was written during the period. Design/methodology/approach This task required effort and research on multiple fronts, including software development; collaboration on technical, interpersonal and policy-based levels; and in overcoming challenges related to the predominant computing platforms installed and in use by potential users of this digital library. Findings This collaboration provided significant new challenges and learning experiences among the staff who worked on this project and provides a base upon which our digital library platforms can diversify and be more culturally aware. Social implications There have been increasing calls within the academic community for better support in the technological space for this and other contemporary languages of the region. Creation of such a platform and expanding it significantly would benefit scholars of Middle Eastern texts in much the same way digital repositories have revolutionized online text access for the Western world. Originality/value The project is unique in that it is believed to the first production-level, digital preservation-specific Syriac digital library of its kind. It supports the display of metadata and descriptive details for digital library objects not just in English, but in Arabic and Syriac languages as well, where appropriate},
file = {/home/foo-dogsquared/library/references/storage/8HCG86JC/html.html},
keywords = {Beth Mardutho,Digital library,Institutional repository,Preservation,Rutgers,Syriac},
number = {1}
title = {Better to Organize Personal Information by Folders or by Tags?: {{The}} Devil Is in the Details},
shorttitle = {Better to Organize Personal Information by Folders or by Tags?},
author = {Civan, Andrea and Jones, William and Klasnja, Predrag and Bruce, Harry},
date = {2009-06-01},
journaltitle = {Proc. Am. Soc. Info. Sci. Tech.},
volume = {45},
pages = {1--13},
issn = {00447870},
doi = {10.1002/meet.2008.1450450214},
url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/meet.2008.1450450214},
urldate = {2020-06-22},
file = {/home/foo-dogsquared/library/references/storage/L2WJNYJ4/Civan et al. - 2009 - Better to organize personal information by folders.pdf},
langid = {english},
number = {1}
title = {Creative {{Scala}}},
url = {https://www.creativescala.org/},
urldate = {2020-06-22},
file = {/home/foo-dogsquared/library/references/storage/7CYJREI4/www.creativescala.org.html}
title = {How to Build a Self-Driving Car in One Month},
author = {Deutsch, Max},
date = {2019-05-13T18:07:11.710Z},
journaltitle = {Medium},
url = {https://medium.com/@maxdeutsch/how-to-build-a-self-driving-car-in-one-month-d52df48f5b07},
urldate = {2020-07-07},
abstract = {It’s not as hard as it seems…},
langid = {english}
title = {Evergreen Notes},
journaltitle = {Andyʼs working notes},
url = {https://notes.andymatuschak.org/Evergreen_notes},
urldate = {2020-06-25},
file = {/home/foo-dogsquared/library/references/storage/CX538XPI/Evergreen_notes.html}
title = {Evergreen Notes Should Be Concept-Oriented | {{Evergreen}} Notes Should Be Atomic | {{Evergreen}} Note Titles Are like {{APIs}}},
journaltitle = {Andyʼs working notes},
url = {https://notes.andymatuschak.org/Evergreen_notes_should_be_concept-oriented?stackedNotes=z4Rrmh17vMBbauEGnFPTZSK3UmdsGExLRfZz1&stackedNotes=z3XP5GRmd9z1D2qCE7pxUvbeSVeQuMiqz9x1C},
urldate = {2020-06-23},
file = {/home/foo-dogsquared/library/references/storage/HU2ZC9ST/Evergreen_notes_should_be_concept-oriented.html}
title = {What Is {{Generative Art}}? {{Complexity Theory}} as a {{Context}} for {{Art Theory}}},
author = {Galanter, Philip},
pages = {21},
abstract = {In this paper an attempt is made to offer a definition of generative art that is inclusive and provides fertile ground for both technical and art theoretical development. First the use of systems is identified as a key element in generative art. Various ideas from complexity theory are then introduced. It is noted that systems exist on a continuum from the highly ordered to the highly disordered. Citing examples from information theory and complexity science, it is noted that highly ordered and highly disordered systems are typically viewed as simple, and complex systems exhibit both order and disorder. This leads to the adoption of effective complexity, order, and disorder as organizing principles in the comparison of various generative art systems. This inclusive view leads to the somewhat surprising observation that generative art is as old as art itself. A number of specific artists and studies are discussed within this systems and complexity theory influenced paradigm. Finally a number of art theoretical questions are introduced to exercise the suggested generative art definition and implicit paradigm.},
file = {/home/foo-dogsquared/library/references/storage/QXUELZE8/Galanter - What is Generative Art Complexity Theory as a Con.pdf},
langid = {english}
title = {How {{To Draw Anything}}},
date = {2008-01-16},
url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9TFLQq1Uh4},
urldate = {2020-07-07},
abstract = {Here's a great video from an art teacher in Los Angeles named Larry Gluck. He runs a school called Mission Renaissance and teaches thousands of people how to draw.}
title = {The {{Information Literacy User}}'s {{Guide}}: {{An Open}}, {{Online Textbook}}},
shorttitle = {The {{Information Literacy User}}'s {{Guide}}},
date = {2014-04-04T18:20:08+00:00},
journaltitle = {Open SUNY Textbooks},
url = {https://textbooks.opensuny.org/the-information-literacy-users-guide-an-open-online-textbook/},
urldate = {2020-07-01},
abstract = {Good researchers have a host of tools at their disposal that make navigating today’s complex information ecosystem much more manageable. Gaining the knowledge, abilities, and self-reflection necessary to be a good researcher helps not only in academic settings, but is invaluable in any career, and throughout one’s life. The Information …},
file = {/home/foo-dogsquared/library/references/storage/8YJDMZEN/the-information-literacy-users-guide-an-open-online-textbook.html},
langid = {american}
title = {Julia as a Cli Calculator},
url = {https://krasjet.com/rnd.wlk/julia/},
urldate = {2020-06-22},
file = {/home/foo-dogsquared/library/references/storage/8AGYC43A/julia.html}
title = {A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics},
author = {Kun, Jeremy},
date = {2020},
edition = {2},
url = {https://pimbook.org/}
title = {Text {{Mining}} with {{R}}},
author = {Robinson, Julia Silge {and} David},
url = {https://www.tidytextmining.com/},
urldate = {2020-06-15},
abstract = {A guide to text analysis within the tidy data framework, using the tidytext package and other tidy tools},
file = {/home/foo-dogsquared/library/references/storage/BANUJYQE/www.tidytextmining.com.html},
keywords = {data-mining}
title = {Structure and {{Interpretation}} of {{Computer Programs}}},
url = {https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/full-text/book/book.html},
urldate = {2020-07-08},
file = {/home/foo-dogsquared/library/references/storage/MKKYYSRM/book.html}
title = {Why {{Tacit Knowledge}} Is {{More Important Than Deliberate Practice}}},
date = {2020-06-09T10:49:50.000Z},
journaltitle = {Commonplace - The Commoncog Blog},
url = {https://commoncog.com/blog/tacit-knowledge-is-a-real-thing/},
urldate = {2020-07-07},
abstract = {What tacit knowledge is, and why it is the most interesting topic in the study of expertise today.},
file = {/home/foo-dogsquared/library/references/storage/FK4A7WUP/tacit-knowledge-is-a-real-thing.html},
langid = {english}
title = {Reverse {{Engineering}} for {{Beginners}}},
author = {Yurichev, Dennis},
pages = {1063},
file = {/home/foo-dogsquared/library/references/storage/UXP46KMJ/Yurichev - Reverse Engineering for Beginners.pdf},
keywords = {programming,security},
langid = {english}