Contentful is a Hugo theme mainly targeted for personal and one-man-show blogs that focuses on being contentful by having the most minimal format maintaining readability;
beautiful sane defaults while using modern web standards and features in this day and age.
It understands that not all use cases are possible with this theme so it also aims to be easy to extend and modify implementing the feature that you want.
Oh right, this also applies as my first practical application for reading [Practical Typography]( by Matthew Butterick.
The quickest way to describe Contentful in one go is a list.
The core feature of Contentful is to be easy to extend while providing sane and modern foundations, if you don't want to.
Here are the default features of the theme provides:
* Beautifully simple default layout while made to be easily modified and extensible.
* Dark mode toggle.
* Focus on web accessibility and search engine optimization (SEO) including [Twitter cards]( and [Open Graph protocol](
Then run `hugo mod get` or a Hugo server (i.e., `hugo serve`) to get the dependency.
For updating the module, run `hugo mod get -u`.
Using this option also provides a convenient option to specify the version of the theme with a single change.
You can specify the version by just adding a tag to the path (e.g., ``) or a commit (e.g., ``).
For more information, see [how to specify Go modules]( since Hugo modules are built on top of it.
Additionally, you can vendor the theme project with `hugo mod vendor` if you intend to fully modify the project.
See the [related section]( for more information.
### The theme folder
This simply involves copying the project into the theme folder (i.e., `themes/`).
You can simply download the project either with the GitHub archive export.
Since it is hosted on a Git repo, you can simply clone it like the following command.
If you're decided to use this theme and don't want to bother using the `--theme` option, just set it in your [site configuration]( with the `theme` field and you're done!