I finally have some time trying to grok flakes and redo my NixOS config from scratch after leaving it for some time (because I have work and have to quickly set things up without me trying to debug how NixOS works).
TIP: If you found some error regarding something in restricted mode, you can run the installation with `--impure` flag (i.e., `nixos-install --impure --flake github:foo-dogsquared/nixos-config#ni`).
== What's in my flake?
You can see the full details with `nix flake show`.
As a helpful summary, here's what my flake should contain sorting from the most interesting and helpful outputs to the most boring and unnecessary.
It supports the default list of systems as defined from link:https://github.com/numtide/flake-utils[`flake-utils`].
* `devShells` from link:./shells/[my custom environments].
Similar to `homeManagerConfigurations`, you can easily use it outside of NixOS.
* `nixosConfigurations` which is where you can install my various NixOS configurations directly (e.g., `nixos-install --flake MY_FLAKE_URL#HOST`).
This mainly uses the link:./hosts/[hosts configuration].
* `homeManagerConfigurations` contains my various link:https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager[home-manager] configurations from link:./users/home-manager/[`./users/home-manager/`].
The neat thing about it is you can easily install it in a non-NixOS Linux distro.
* `nixosModules` are composed from NixOS modules defined in link:./modules/nixos[`./modules/nixos`].
It can be used as additional modules for your own NixOS config in case you want to use mine for whatever reason.
footnote:[I don't know why did I put it there but eh...]
* `homeManagerModules` are where my link:./modules/home-manager[custom home-manager modules] to be exported.
footnote:[This is more useful than my NixOS modules.]
* [x] Create user-specific configs with home-manager.
* [x] ~Steal~ Get some ideas from link:https://github.com/divnix/devos[this overengineered template].
* [x] Make use of other established utilities such as link:https://github.com/divnix/digga/[digga], link:https://github.com/gytis-ivaskevicius/flake-utils-plus[flake-utils-plus], and link:https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager[home-manager] once I'm familiar to create my own Nix programs.
Hello! I'm new to Nix and NixOS, where should I start?::
Oh no, you've seen the multiple configurations from other systems, didn't you?
I hope you're ready for some time understanding because the learning curve is steeper than the link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_Wall[Troll Wall].
I've written link:https://foo-dogsquared.github.io/blog/posts/moving-into-nixos/[a blog post regarding my experience with Nix] with a bunch of links for getting started.
You only need Nix 2.4 installed with the experimental features for Nix command and flakes enabled (i.e., `experimental-features = nix-command flakes`).
One of my goals when creating this config is to use as little dependency as much as possible and to understand more what's going under the hood with Nix.
At the time I've rewritten this configuration, I have little idea about Nix as a language and I find devos to be overwhelming so I doubled down to create from scratch.
However, I can say that my configuration is moving in a similar direction to devos (which is intended to be modified anyways) as I explore more of Nix.
In fact, I've based much of my config from it and may even be ended up as one.
It is nice that such a project exists serving as a reference for bigger configurations.