2021-12-21 14:29:27 +08:00

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= foo-dogsquared's NixOS config
This is my NixOS config as a link:[Nix flake].
I finally have some time trying to grok flakes and redo my NixOS config from scratch after leaving it for some time (because I have work and have to quickly set things up without me trying to debug how NixOS works).
Here is the result.
== Installation
Since this uses Nix flakes, you should have Nix v2.4 and above installed.
This primarily uses Nix flakes so you can have a preview of what's available in my config.
[source, shell]
nix flake show github:foo-dogsquared/nixos-config
It should export my NixOS configurations of my different hosts (of only one so far excluding VMs and VPSs ;p) among other things.
To install it, run the `nixos-install --flake github:foo-dogsquared/nixos-config#ni`.
(Please see the respective appropriate host README for more information.)
== Project structure
My NixOS config should look like the following:
[source, tree]
├── hosts/
├── lib/
├── modules/
├── pkgs/
├── secrets/
├── shells/
├── users/
├── flake.lock
├── flake.nix
└── README.adoc
* link:./hosts/[`./hosts/`] contain machine-specific configuration.
This usually configures like the hardware setup, timezone, and users.
Host configurations are also exported in the flakes in `outputs.nixosConfigurations`.
* link:./modules/[`./modules/`] contain my custom modules including NixOS and home-manager modules.
For more information, see the link:./modules/README.adoc[related documentation].
* link:./pkgs/[`./pkgs/`] contains my custom packages.
It is exported in the flakes at `outputs.packages` compiled through various systems.
* link:./secrets/[`./secrets/`] contains my secrets managed with link:[agenix].
footnote:[It is advised you should minimize SSH keys with passphrases since it is annoying to reenter passwords every time.]
* link:./shells/[`./shells/`] contains my development shells for interacting with the usual type of projects.
Setting this up can bring benefits outside of NixOS (unless you're interacting with projects with any OpenGL-related stuff).
footnote:[Since packages brought from Nix shells can only work with the store, a container might be better at some situations.]
* link:./users/[`./users/`] contains my link:[home-manager] configurations and modules.
It is exported in the flakes at `outputs.homeConfigurations`.
For more information, see the link:./users/README.adoc[related documentation].
In order of priority:
* [x] Create custom modules.
* [x] Create a themes system similar to link:[this NixOS config].
* [x] Create development shells.
* [x] Manage secrets with agenix.
* [x] Automate backups with NixOS config.
* [x] Create custom packages and export it to flakes. (Maybe consider making it to upstream)
* [x] Create cluser-wide configs.
* [x] Create host-wide configs.
* [x] Create user-specific configs with home-manager.
* [x] ~Steal~ Get some ideas from link:[this overengineered template].
* [x] Make use of other established utilities such as link:[digga], link:[flake-utils-plus], and link:[home-manager] once I'm familiar to create my own Nix programs.
Out of scope:
* Text editor configurations.
They are often updated. I don't want to rebuild it every time I change it.
* Migration of my link:[dotfiles].
I still use it on other non-NixOS systems.
== Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Hello! I'm new to Nix and NixOS, where should I start?::
Oh no, you've seen the multiple configurations from other systems, didn't you?
I hope you're ready for some time understanding because the learning curve is steeper than the link:[Troll Wall].
I've written link:[a blog post regarding my experience with Nix] with a bunch of links for getting started.
(Un)Fortunately, it is mostly the same experience now that I've revisited it.
Any requirements for this setup?::
You only need Nix 2.4 installed with the experimental features for Nix command and flakes enabled (i.e., `experimental-features = nix-command flakes`).
== Inspirations
I ~stole~ got the ideas from the following projects:
* link:[devos, an overengineered configuration framework.]
I'm slowly grokking Nix and its ecosystem so I didn't use this outright.
Though, this is where my config is heading to be and instead slowly making parts of my config based from this template.
* link:[digga, an flake utility library for your overengineered config.]
I also stole parts of it for my custom library.
I may have to use this at some point.
* link:[hlissner's dotfiles, the original inspiration for this functional abomination of a configuration.]
Very nice.