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title: "My experience of managing a cloud-hosted server with NixOS"
publishdate: 2023-02-26T00:00:00+00:00
- Nix
- System administration
= My experience of managing a cloud-hosted server with NixOS
Gabriel Arazas <foodogsquared@foodogsquared.one>
It's been some time since link:../moving-into-nixos[I've used NixOS as a desktop some time ago].
But lots of things happened since then.
Long story short, I stopped using NixOS after the previously linked post and reverted to using a traditional Linux system.
I did keep using Nix package manager to easily create reproducible development environment for projects.
However, I've gone back to using it sometime at the start of 2022 and used it throughout the year.
At the start of this year, however, I'm starting to learn managing Linux-based systems for servers.
What could be a better way (not necessarily as we'll discuss it) of managing it with the devil I know: NixOS.
In this post, I'll be journaling my experience managing a NixOS server for 2 months. footnote:[Very fitting note as in that previous post I also wrote my experience using NixOS as a desktop driver also in 2 months of usage. I didn't plan for this, I swear.]
== Why NixOS? (redux version)
As you may already heard from any staunch advocates which xref:../2020-11-06-moving-into-nixos/index.adoc#why-nixos[I've even said something about those lines myself], there are a couple of good reasons to use NixOS.
But I'm fairly sure you've heard a fair share of the same bullet points at this point so let me give you my perspective from using it for some time instead.
What I like about it is the perspective of building NixOS systems just like how one would program applications.
You create a text file containing a Nix program, you pass the program to the compiler (or in this case, the Nix build daemon), then you "compiled" an operating system.
Furthermore, the overall Nix ecosystem has some things helping to create a NixOS system such as link:https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/[nixpkgs] which does not only have link:https://repology.org/repositories/statistics/total[one of the largest package repositories] (as of 2023-02-14) but also link:https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/unstable/options.html[a wide set of options] including...
- Services from server-oriented programs (e.g., nginx, Bind, borgbackup) to complete desktop sessions (e.g., GNOME, KDE Plasma, i3, bspwm) with additional options to configure them.
- Various programs such as tmux, vim, and command-line shells (e.g., Bash, zsh, fish) which also includes configuration options for them.
- Hardware tweaks such as installing certain hardware drivers, a declarative networking setup (which is very useful for servers), and setting up filesystems complete with mount options.
All of those can be made to create NixOS systems for a variety of purposes.
Prior to this post, I use NixOS as my desktop OS of choice for at least a year.
Let me show you some examples of how I use it.
- link:https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/nixos-config/blob/70e2e077d17de5ae48063bf56e376a45d469d2c9/modules/nixos/workflows/a-happy-gnome/default.nix[A complete configuration for my GNOME desktop environment] with a list of programs, services, and link:https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/nixos-config/tree/70e2e077d17de5ae48063bf56e376a45d469d2c9/modules/nixos/workflows/a-happy-gnome/config[settings] to enable.
- link:https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/nixos-config/blob/70e2e077d17de5ae48063bf56e376a45d469d2c9/modules/nixos/tasks/backup-archive/default.nix[A backup service for my desktop] which makes use at least 2 offline storage and 1 remote backup service.
- link:https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/nixos-config/blob/70e2e077d17de5ae48063bf56e376a45d469d2c9/modules/nixos/tasks/multimedia-archive/default.nix[A downloading service that makes use of a variety of tools] (i.e., yt-dlp, gallery-dl, and Archivebox) that can also accept a dataset of URLs to download from.
Here's link:https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/nixos-config/blob/70e2e077d17de5ae48063bf56e376a45d469d2c9/modules/nixos/tasks/multimedia-archive/data/jobs.yt-dlp.json[an example of additional URLs intended for yt-dlp to download].
The aforementioned dataset is created from link:https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/nixos-config/blob/70e2e077d17de5ae48063bf56e376a45d469d2c9/modules/nixos/tasks/multimedia-archive/scripts/create-jobs-from-newpipe-db.py[a script that generates it from a Newpipe database]. footnote:[Complete declarative configuration! MUAHAHAHAHA! Although, I don't use it much these days but I kept it because it's neat.]
The point is... NixOS is very flexible despite that it already gives you a complete set of knobs to tinker with especially with mechanisms in place such as Nix modules footnote:[Which is an entire world in and of itself.], nixpkgs overrides, overlays, and flakes.
Unlike configuring from a traditional Linux system (e.g., Debian, Arch, Fedora), NixOS is nicer in terms of UX for configuring the system since you only have to monitor one location to consolidate the system configuration.
== The Nix ecosystem
It's not as large as other ecosystems such as from Docker with its link:https://hub.docker.com/[vast selection of images] and widespread tools such as link:https://kubernetes.io/[Kubernetes].
The amount of things within the containers ecosystem is just too huge which rallies even more support behind it.
This doesn't mean the Nix ecosystem is something to be scoffed at.
There's more to what you can do with NixOS especially link:https://nix-community.github.io/awesome-nix/[there's an ecosystem beyond nixpkgs].
Here's some of the tools I use related to managing the server.
- link:https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/[home-manager] is quite similar to NixOS that it instead of building an operating system, it builds a home environment allowing you to specify user-specific tweaks that is otherwise not available from nixpkgs that are more focused on the holistic side of operating systems (i.e., system-wide services, programs, and configurations).
While most of the options found here are oriented toward desktop usage, it's still useful for servers (e.g., putting certain files in its home directory).
- nixpkgs can build NixOS systems into various formats including container images, a plethora of cloud provider-specific image formats, and virtual machines.
link:github.com/nix-community/nixos-generators[nixos-generators] builds upon this as a nice frontend to easily make use of it.
I've used it to generate a link:https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/nixos-config/releases/tag/latest[personalized NixOS installer as part of a release from my config].
At some point, I've also used it to generate a Google Cloud image that can easily create a Compute instance from it.
- link:https://github.com/serokell/deploy-rs[deploy-rs] is my deployment tool of choice.
It comes with niceties such as magic rollback which is useful if it rendered your configuration to be unconnectable.
Not to mention, it can deploy other than NixOS systems such as home-manager configurations footnote:[Which I only tried once so I can't comment much on it. Also, the situation that needs it is very very specific so I didn't get to use it that much.].
- Putting sensitive credentials is one of the weaker points in a NixOS system especially that the Nix store directory is readable by anyone.
At this point, link:https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Comparison_of_secret_managing_schemes[there's a bunch of secret management tools integrated with NixOS] with various way of getting around that fact.
My tool of choice is link:https://github.com/Mic92/sops-nix[sops-nix] given that link:https://github.com/mozilla/sops[sops] is simpler (compared to other tools) and can integrate with several key formats footnote:[sops-nix is mainly integrated with Age and GPG keys, though.].
== Configuring the server
I'm managing one instance in Hetzner Cloud.
While it doesn't have a NixOS image, it is easy to initiate a NixOS instance with the link:https://github.com/elitak/nixos-infect[nixos-infect] script which will... infect a Linux system into a NixOS one (without the spreading of NixOS disease though).
Thankfully, this can be automated since Hetzner also has link:https://github.com/hetznercloud/awesome-hcloud[an ecosystem of libraries and tools for more flexibility] including link:https://github.com/hetznercloud/cli[a command-line interface for managing Hetzner Cloud deployments].
.Here's a script using `hcloud` to easily create one such setup
[source, shell]
hcloud network create --name smn-lan --ip-range
hcloud server create --location hel1 --type cx21 --image ubuntu-22.04 \
--network smn-lan \
--user-data-from-file ./hosts/plover/files/hcloud/hcloud-user-data.yml \
--ssh-key foodogsquared@foodogsquared.one \
--name nixos-plover
Looking into NixOS as a server is pretty similar to how one would configure any Linux-based systems as a server.
If you're looking into managing a NixOS system in Hetzner Cloud, I recommend to not start with executing the `nixos-infect` script and explore the system a little bit.
This is important to see the network interfaces configuration and configure your networking interfaces based from it.
One would have to statically configure the hardware of the server, mostly relating to networking setup.
For this, I used systemd-networkd service that integrates well in NixOS.
The following systemd-networkd configuration is based from the generated systemd network unit from Ubuntu 22.04 image from Hetzner Cloud.
It assumes that you have an global IPv4 and IPv6 address and a private IPv4 subnet from link:https://docs.hetzner.com/cloud/networks/[networks feature].
[source, nix]
.Networking configuration in NixOS
Currently (as of NixOS 23.05-unstable), there are two main ways to declaratively configure the networking setup: `networking.interfaces` and `systemd.network`.
`networking.interfaces` is considered the default seeing as it is used on the installers for NixOS.
Although, there seems to be link:https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/10001[interest to switch to systemd-networkd as the default way] — not to mention, part of the description of the `networking.interfaces` recommends using `systemd.network.netdevs` instead.
If this would be configured with `networking.interfaces`, then it would look something like the following listing (without the other aspects of networking such as proper routing).
[source, nix]
In a typical server setup, one would harden the server for security.
Otherwise, unwanted traffic including potential attackers might take advantage of it.
Fortunately, nixpkgs already has a link:https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/f99c72ed674b8cf6d497267d0023bde31be5e347/nixos/modules/profiles/hardened.nix[profile that already does most of that for you] and all you have to do is to import it in your NixOS configuration like in the following code listing.
[source, nix]
{ config, modulesPath, ... }:
imports = [ "${modulesPath}/profiles/hardened.nix" ];
With the most important things done, you can now proceed with the service configuration.
Here's a non-exhaustive list of things that I've done for the server.
- systemd-networkd link:https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/0da4cc97b446b43802692f2415e5a774771b0ca9/NEWS#L7674-L7675[can configure Wireguard interfaces since v237] so I eventually used it for configuring Wireguard tunnels instead of standing up an OpenVPN server.
- One could create a non-root user dedicated for managing the system.
This could also be used to avoid using root directly, only using `sudo` when needed to while inside of the system.
In my case, I created two non-root users: link:https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/nixos-config/blob/70e2e077d17de5ae48063bf56e376a45d469d2c9/users/nixos/admin/default.nix[specifically to be used for deployment] and link:https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/nixos-config/blob/70e2e077d17de5ae48063bf56e376a45d469d2c9/users/nixos/plover/default.nix[one to be used as the entry point for the server] since the former doesn't have a password to enter privilege mode.
The latter has a customized user environment done through home-manager.
- Enable all of the services you want which I've included some details in <<the-results-and-the-maintenance-process, the next chapter>>.
Of course, as long as it fits in the server with its expected amount of traffic and the average amount of resources.
- Setting a remote backup service.
In this case, I've chose to use link:https://www.borgbackup.org/[BorgBackup] as it is also what I've previously used anyways.
Not to mention, it is pretty nice what it does out-of-the-box compared to other services.
I've set the backup service with a link:https://www.hetzner.com/storage/storage-box[Hetzner Storage Box] which is surprisingly cheap at 1TB for 4€ a month.
All you have to do at that point is to enable SSH to add the Borg server then add the SSH keys.
== The results and the maintenance process
The resulting NixOS server configuration is all available in link:https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/nixos-config/tree/0991e1a44d51e68a1bf974cd890956ed3ba30e67/hosts/plover[my NixOS configuration repo].
At the end, I was able to deploy instances of some of the applications I want to host and manage myself (among other things).
- A link:https://code.foodogsquared.one/[personal single-user Gitea instance] for my code projects.
I chose Gitea since it seems to be a well-established project especially that link:https://forum.forgefriends.org/t/nlnet-grant-application-for-federation-in-gitea-deadline-august-1st-2022[it is recently involved in moving federation forward], making collaboration between different instances possible.
I might even make it as my main code forge if the federation is nice enough.
- A link:https://pass.foodogsquared.one/[personal single-user Vaultwarden instance].
A nice password manager that can be self-hosted easily.
- A VPN tunnel using link:https://wireguard.org/[Wireguard] between my usual devices.
This is used for accessing internal services.
- A link:https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/nixos-config/blob/b3ce46ccf91e02d721215e8528d03ca82250890a/hosts/plover/modules/services/coredns.nix["hidden" primary authoritative nameserver] run with link:https://coredns.io/[CoreDNS].
That DNS server then transfers its zones to the Hetzner's secondary nameservers.
It also acts as an internal DNS server for my private network that is used for accessing internal services with domain names while in a VPN tunnel.
Alongside some important services to keep them in check such as the firewall for basic measures, fail2ban to slow down intrusions from these publicly available services, and using a hardened kernel.
I really like how it turned out.
Though I'm worried how I'm putting it all in one basket but I think it's mostly fine for a smaller instance as long as it is hardened and take precautions properly.
.Extending and modifying NixOS services
As previously mentioned, NixOS is very flexible while giving you finer controls for configuring several aspects of the configuration especially for system services.
In the following example, I modified the CoreDNS service to add link:https://systemd.io/CREDENTIALS/[service credentials] to enable DNS-over-TLS using the generated certificate from the ACME client.
I also made one more change to modify the DNS zone file with sensitive information before the service is activated.
.The modified CoreDNS service with DNS-over-TLS and insert sensitive information
[source, nix]
Here's another example with modifying the Gitea service to automate certain admin tasks (i.e., setting up database schema for PostgreSQL secure schema usage, creating admin account).
.Modified Gitea service with additional administration tasks
[source, nix]
It mostly requires seeing the source code for the appropriate version of nixpkgs though.
But it gets easier with familiarity of navigating nixpkgs source code and nixpkgs standard library.
As for the workflow, I can push my changes easily with deploy-rs (or even just `nixos-rebuild` as I've learned it link:https://www.haskellforall.com/2023/01/announcing-nixos-rebuild-new-deployment.html[from this post]).
The aspect that I have trouble so far is debugging the system properly which is something I don't know how to do... properly.
Before I completely decided with NixOS, I shortly ran a server with Debian which I think its a good choice for a first timer especially with its link:https://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals[welcoming user documentations] which the Nix ecosystem lacks.
A lot of the documentation usually found from Nix assumes you're familiar with the overall of a Linux system which is not a bad thing.
However, with several initiatives to make onboarding gradually better such as link:https://zero-to-nix.com/[Zero to Nix] and link:https://nix.dev/[nix.dev], the state of Nix documentation can improve.
Once I got the ropes of managing a Debian system (for at least a week), I jumped into managing one with NixOS partly because of impatience coupled with the problems of traditional deploying and managing a system like that.
While I find a lot of resources using Debian and find a solution for deploying traditional systems like Ansible or Terraform footnote:[Though, I did found out about deploying Terraform with NixOS and link:https://xeiaso.net/blog/nix-flakes-terraform[there is a way to deploy one with a flakes-enabled system].], I eventually find it easier to map concepts from there to its NixOS counterparts.
Once the NixOS system has been setup, there's not much of a difference except it is deployed by my computer somewhere.
The most worrying part of the setup is secrets management.
It is done with sops and sops-nix then manually putting the private key in its supposed place with good ol' `scp`.
I don't think it's efficient but it is what it is.
I'm fairly sure there's a better way to provision the server alongside the secrets but solving that problem seems like diminishing returns.
The maintenance process also considers budget especially in the long run so let's be a good I.T. department for ourselves and enumerate them in a table.
.Monthly budget for running a personal cloud infrastructure
[%header, cols="2"]
| Thing
| Cost
| A Hetzner Cloud server
| €6
| A Hetzner Storage Box
| €4
| `foodogsquared.one` domain (paid yearly)
| €1.2
| mailbox.org standard account
| €3
A total of €14.2 or ₱712 in my local currency which is nice in my personal budget of under ₱1000 (€17.3).
== Things to keep in mind
While creating a NixOS system has been nice, there are some things you have to keep in mind.
- NixOS as a server works best if you're deeply invested in the Nix ecosystem especially with the things that you can do as already discussed in <<the-nix-ecosystem>>.
- Familiarity with link:https://systemd.io/[systemd] is a must especially for extending services.
- Extending and customizing NixOS to a similar extent as the resulting NixOS server configuration pretty much requires familiarity and some caution in keeping up-to-date with the changes to that part of nixpkgs. footnote:[I'm using NixOS unstable branch so it's more likely to bring changes and it is mostly mine to blame for using like that.]
- Learning to use these services in NixOS is not necessarily the same as using and configuring it as intended from upstream.
You're using it rather in the way NixOS/nixpkgs intended to.
This could be argued the same for other operating systems such as in Debian where certain things are already handled for us through the use of link:https://wiki.debian.org/debconf[debconf] which makes certain tasks easier to start (e.g., setting up an OpenLDAP server, a web server).
However, you're still likely to run into problems such as misunderstanding and misconfigurations, both of which means referring to the documentation.
Not to mention, if you really want to learn how a tool works while using NixOS, you could see the source code of the module.
== Conclusion
Overall, the process of managing servers with NixOS is a great experience so far especially with how much controls it gives you from it.
It sparks joy the same way how I build a NixOS system for my desktop driver.
However, the investment required just for this solution is quite high which is a shame considering how simple it really is once you've gained some familiarity with Nix compared to other solutions such as containers.
This high investment exists due to how different footnote:[...and the amount of abstractions from nixpkgs on top of Nix.] it is compared to the rest of the ecosystem.
While it is not the de-facto experience for managing a Linux server especially for a first-timer, it can be a gateway for managing servers in a fun way sort-of-deal.
There are still some things I wonder how some things work such as scaling which is Kubernetes is good at.
It isn't completely needed for me right now but it is something to ponder when considering expansion for my server fleet.
All of these are new things to me but I'm expanding what I can manage.
Other plans include managing a Borg server from a link:https://buyvm.net/[BuyVM] instance especially with its link:https://buyvm.net/block-storage-slabs/[block storage slabs] which seems to be quite flexible compared to link:https://www.hetzner.com/storage/storage-box[Hetzner Storage Boxes].
Among other things, I might add a more convenient way of deploying servers from cloud providers with Terraform.
link:https://xeiaso.net/blog/nix-flakes-terraform[Xe Iaso already has a post detailing this kind of setup] but I'll have to adjust it to deploy to Hetzner Cloud if possible.
While the additional setup is more of a nuisance since it is already deployed (for the most), it is still something that can be worth in the future.