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title: Homepage
= Homepage
Hey there!
I'm Gabriel Arazas (`foo-dogsquared`), a hobbyist on software development and programming, an expert in procastination, and a hack on anything else.
You can see more what's my deal on xref:about/index.adoc[another page] because I want to make introductions nice and brief.
Welcome to my small home on the deepest corners of the internet, by the way.
Have a seat and take a look in my digital cavern.
.Here's my renewed logo. Oooh, personal branding!
image::logo.webp[My renewed logo composed of a stylized drawing of a dog, width=60%]
{{< homepage/links >}}
You can also find me on a bunch of platforms where I may be inactive for some time.
{{< homepage/social-links >}}
If you want the old way on getting contact with me, you can shoot an email at `hey{at}foodogsquared{dot}one`.
Want a way to verify me and my stuff? I have a link:https://gnupg.org/[GnuPG] public key for your privacy-oriented and paranoia-filled pleasure.
It is currently stored at link:https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/1D5A862828FFC47537F9628F73F89FF87C72E7D3[the OpenPGP keyserver] which you can search with my email address.
TIP: This site also have web feeds available in multiple formats such as in link:index.rss[RSS], link:index.atom[Atom], and link:index.json[JSON].
It's also available in individual sections (such as link:posts/[my writings] — i.e., `posts/index.{rss,atom,json}`).
If you're curious about the site, you can view the link:https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/foo-dogsquared.github.io[source code] of it.
It's built with link:https://gohugo.io/[Hugo], uses a link:https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/hugo-theme-more-contentful/[theme that I created], and all of my posts are written with link:https://asciidoctor.org/[Asciidoctor].