2019-04-30 12:38:18 +08:00

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post A Freebie's Resource List (Mostly Related to Programming) 2018-05-01 09:25:57 +0800 foo-dogsquared freebies
Apr 30, 2019

UPDATE: This list is now deprecated. It'll recieve minimal maintenance, if there's any. Any new updates are now actively developed in my new freebies resource site.

This is a free resource list that gradually grew over the past few months. Admittedly, I don't use all of them so why not just share it, right?

Just pick a few, don't be overwhelmed by the number of resource you have to refer to. Focus on one thing at a time. Well, the list is actually longer but I decided to pick the top contenders of the list (and some of them are still not being used, I just like to bookmark stuff and never checking out again sometimes).

Do keep in mind, most of them are related to computer programming but some of the providers offer stuff outside of programming (say Khan Academy for math).

Other Resource Lists

Online Education Resources

Academics-focused Sites


  • DevDocs(very much recommended); a site wherein official documentation of different languages can be found; there's also an offline version of it if you are lacking of internet speed (like me)
  • GitBook — easier finding for documentations
  • MDN Web Docs(very much recommended); if you're trying to learn web development and programming in general, this can be a hub for it


Katas (Practice Sites)

  • /r/dailyprogrammer
  • Coderbyte
  • Codewars(recommended)
  • Euler Project(recommended, if you want to be more challenged); has more focus on applying mathematical concepts than programming
  • Exercism — a site that focuses improving you through the mentor-mentee model
  • HackerRank(recommended, if you want to be more challenged)
  • Pramp — you get to practice some programming interview questions and it's free






YouTube Channel

Operating Systems (yes, some of them are free)

  • Linux — overwhelming majority of them are free and open source

    • Arch Linux — not recommended for beginners
    • Fedora — kind of similar to Ubuntu
    • Linux Mint(recommended for beginners)
    • Manjaro — another one of the beginner-friendly distro
    • OpenSUSE — available in two distinct versions: Tumbleweed and Leap
    • Solus
    • Ubuntu(recommended for beginners)

Programming Tools

  • Offline IDE

    • Eclipse — Linux alternative; also has Windows version
    • Jetbrains(recommended); has an assortment of tools for different programming languages and environment; also has support for students so you can apply for an educational pack, if you're eligible
    • Visual Studio (IDE)(recommended); Windows-only
  • Online IDE

    • Codeanywhere
    • CodeSandbox(recommended); really acts as a solid online alternative in case you want to work on the go (mostly, for JavaScript-oriented web development)
    • Codepen — focuses on the front-end dev't
    • — has stronger support for a back-end dev't
  • Text Editors

    • Atom
    • Vim — I have no words for this, yet
    • Visual Studio Code(very much recommended); platform-agnostic (found on Windows, Mac, & Linux)
  • Web Browsers

  • Communication

    • Discord — client messenger
    • Pidgin — also a client messenger
    • Slack(recommended); a very good chat client between teams
    • Thunderbird(recommended); e-mail client
  • Productivity Tools

    • A Soft Murmur — an ambient noise generator with a lot more sounds than rain
    • LastPass — cloud password manager
    • MedleyText — Evernote but targeted towards developers
    • Notion — distraction-free app for taking notes in Markdown
    • Rainy Mood — lets you focus through the ambience (if you're the type who find rain to be relaxing)
    • Trello — a project management tool
  • Others

    • Calibre — an e-book library management tool

Mathematical Tools

Platforms For Your Future Apps

Stock Resources

Content Delivery Networks (CDN)

  • cdnjs(recommended, if you're in web dev't); CDN for web-related libraries
  • Cloudinary — mostly images and video CDN; also has image and video manipulation
  • Staticaly — CDN that serves files from different repo (BitBucket, GitLab, GitHub, and even GitHub gists) with the proper headers
  • UploadCare — image CDN with image manipulation on-the-fly

Student Packs


* - if you're on a Windows OS, probably you're locked out of the option to download the ISO directly, to download it directly, you have to change the user profile from your browser usually, you can do that by going into 'Responsive Design Mode' (Ctrl + Shift + M) on Firefox (or anything similar to Chrome and other browsers) and choosing a non-Windows device (choose an Apple product for easy choices) and you shall see that the page will reload and the layout will change OR you can just download a browser extension to change your User Agent