A lot of those learning process starts from what you've seen from other people.
You want to [[id:088acbae-4394-4771-9cef-3b336b101f80][Look into tutorials with a solid-end goal]] or [[id:7f73f745-8ce0-4a02-b454-1b7c57b1e202][Follow the experts in the field]].
You most likely start from similar types as [[id:e158b742-53c7-4442-9af3-489ea8240af9][Examples and stories are more memorable than explanations]].
You can [[id:0dbfee88-cdce-48d1-9a10-23fc12d9bcd5][Refer to advanced resources when skill-building for a solid short-term goal]] to clear your specific example similar to a final proof-reading before you submit your paper.
- With the tree of to-be-understood underlying concepts, take a peek between each underlying concepts of various depths until you can easily see the connections between them.
- Work your way up the knowledge tree you've just created until you can reproduce/create the example with your newfound hierarchical knowledge accurately.