- The [[id:9986bd9e-763e-497e-a35d-ecd0aa93f408][Presence of the material fools students into learning]].
- [[id:9138397a-a965-45e9-97ea-71849e8d4f94][Overlearning]] is a habitual problem of students, thinking they should master the concept holistically before moving on to other topics.
- [[id:5c603e2c-4dae-465e-abb5-12897ad7466d][Tunnel vision]]: learning new things can be impeded from our own experience.
- Working with solutions can be a trap if you focus solely on the steps.
+ Solution: give time to focus on the bigger picture.
+ Inversely, understanding without the memorization is still bad as [[id:c0e4fb0e-68f2-4db4-8c3e-f5a7845738c3][Understanding comes first from memory]].