- while [[id:0e2c9eaf-f12a-47b2-9c9c-d1a590db131b][Involuntary attention switch is good for preventing tunnel vision]] — e.g., trying out new things, window shopping for better tools — it can go into a case of optimizing every choice
- this is a form of analyzing too much except we're acting upon our choices;
remember: [[roam:Overanalyzing slow you down]]
- additionally, you could think of this addiction from taking too much advantages as you can;
it always create the impression that there is an absolute way to do it and you just haven't figured it out yet;
recall that [[id:9a9163d7-502b-4540-b723-e15afba1e917][Tradeoffs lock yourself in a position]]
+ this can be seen with self-help and productivity culture with gurus presenting themselves as someone who finally figured it out how to get into a constant productive state — e.g., a new method of note-taking, habit management methods, productivity applications showcase
+ part of the Linux ricing desktop community where software are fetishized to make their computing experience to be more productive — e.g., text editors galore, tiling window managers versus traditional desktops, command line versus graphical tools, quests for mouseless computing, learning new keyboard layouts
+ the gaming community has much emphasis on how to game more effectively with specialized mice and keyboards, wide monitors, and software setups
+ on programming, there is a tendency for making the optimized program at early stages or unnecessary optimizations on non-critical code
- the simplest solution is to get into the mindset of "good enough" and reflecting if it is really worth it at the end;
remember that [[id:df20e58b-6d38-4ace-8468-413bc708c772][Most of the work is done from smaller amount of effort]]