2021-06-06 14:09:23 +08:00

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The basics of Nix package manager

Nix package manager is a great tool for reproducibility as you can easily set up your environment. Taking it up to the next level with NixOS, your whole installation.


  • Nix has tools to make setting up environments easier with direnv, lorri, and Niv

You can create a reproducible executable that only requires Nix.

#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell --pure -i bash -p curl jq fzf findutils

# A quick command line interface for creating a gitignore with the API from
# This script comes with a simple caching to avoid creating too much requests.

set -eo pipefail


# Check if the language list is downloaded for the last hour (3600 seconds).
if [ ! -e $CACHE_FILE ] || test $(expr $(date "+%s") - $(date -r $CACHE_FILE "+%s")) -gt 3600
    ping "" --count 4 && curl --silent --location --output $CACHE_FILE ""

KEYS=$(jq 'keys | .[] | @text' --raw-output $CACHE_FILE | fzf --multi | while read lang; do echo " .[\"$lang\"].contents"; done | paste -s -d ',')

jq "$KEYS" --raw-output $CACHE_FILE

Components of the package manager

Holistically, Nix is made up of at least four components: the store, the language, the derivations, and the sandbox.

  • The store is a immutable centralized location where all of the outputs are placed.
  • The derivations are essentially build instructions.
  • The language (also called as Nix but we'll refer to it as Nixlang) is a domain-specific language for creating derivations.
  • The build process can be locked in a sandbox, improving the reproducibility of a setup and lowering the attack surface for a malicious package.