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Collecting information only feels like progress
We are tricking ourselves, falling into one of the Pitfalls and illusions of competence with the presence of the material making us feel like we already know the subject. The keyword here is feels like progress. The most important thing you should know when finding yourself with this tendency is information is only stored, not consumed. Information is only acquired when you try to make sense of it.
Collecting information is like going to a gym, reading all of the articles and books about working out, and simply stopping at that. You've been hanging out in the gym for a year and yet, your body is the same as last year. On a personal level, this is reaching into Professional narcissism.
Nonetheless, it is still useful if we can control our resource-collecting tendencies. One of the simplest ways to reduce this is to Create an inbox to store your thoughts. Or rather, an inbox of resources that you'll have to filter later.