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:ID: 369700fa-7787-4e70-9b3b-24637ab67035
#+title: Command-line: youtube-dl
#+date: "2021-07-08 17:36:26 +08:00"
#+date_modified: "2022-04-22 11:25:43 +08:00"
#+language: en
#+property: header-args :eval no
One of the archivists' best friends.
At least you don't have to go to those shady YouTube conversion sites anymore when you have a [[https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/supportedsites.html][complete list of other video sites]] you can download from.
Take note, I use [[https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp][yt-dlp]].
Any yt-dlp-specific options should be in the appropriate note.
For complete information, you can always inspect =youtube-dl.1= manual page.
* Synopsis
#+begin_src shell
youtube-dl [OPTIONS...] [URLS...]
* Options
- =--add-metadata= adds metadata to the resulting file after download
- =--audio-format EXTENSION= downloads the video with the select format of "opus", "mp3", "opus", and "vorbis";
but there is also the convenient "best" option
- =--audio-quality QUALITY= sets the quality of the audio from 0 to 9, best to worst respectively;
bitrates are also accepted (e.g., =320K=, =1M=)
- =--date RANGE= finds videos that are uploaded from a certain date range.
See the [[Date ranges]] section to see the format required.
- =--dateafter RANGE= and =--datebefore RANGE= is a similar option to =--date= but to find videos before or after the specified date range, respectively.
Accepts the same format as =--date=.
- =--list-extractors= prints a list of supported sites and their specific features.
- =--format QUALITY= downloads the video with the format shown in =--list-format=;
there are convenient options such as =bestaudio= and =bestvideo= referring to the best quality it could find
- =-o, --output STRING= formats the resulting filename of the tracks to be downloaded
- =--no-overwrite= throws an error if the file already exists which is handy for scripts
- =-x, --extract-audio= extracts only the audio track
** Output formats
For =--output= option, there are a lot of things to consider naming your files.
You may want to automate them yourself but =youtube-dl= has plenty of options from the get-go.
The following code is the sensible default output string.
A few of the usual stuff I use:
- =title= (string) is the title of the track
- =ext= (string) is the extension to be used; pretty much recommended to use it
- =creator= (string) and =uploader= (string)
A lot of the things I have to do is to download multiple tracks from an album or playlist.
Unfortunately, these are often different from one site to another.
- =playlist_index= (number) indicates the position of the track in a playlist.
These are usually used from YouTube and Soundcloud playlists.
- =track_number= (number) is the position of the track from an album.
Usually, these are used from Bandcamp and Vimeo playlists.
** Date ranges
The options =--date= and the like accept a certain format for date ranges in =(now|today)[-|+][\\d+](day|week|month|year)s?= or =YYYYMMDD= for absolute date.
| Example | Description |
| =now-2weeks= | From today to 2 weeks ago. |
| =today+3days= | From today to 3 days from now. |
| =20000505= | Equivalent to =2000-05-05=. |
* Examples
Here is an entryway into your newfound archiving habit.
Enjoy! :)
** Download the thumbnail and the audio of the video
Very simple.
Very useful as most of the thumbnails can go to high resolution and if you need them for some reason.
#+begin_src shell
youtube-dl --write-thumbnail --extract-audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9VvdaLuSs
** Download an entire album
Though, you should look at the supported sites if it supports downloading an album out of the URL.
In this example, we have Bandcamp.
#+begin_src shell
youtube-dl --output '%(track_number)02d-%(title)s.%(ext)s' --format bestaudio https://gametal.bandcamp.com/album/side-quests-vol-3
** Specific video download requirements
In this example, I want to download a video with a width of 1080px and the best video and audio at 320Kbit/s.
Oh, and the video should be in MP4 and the audio in Opus.
This is will only succeed if the format is available to download which you can do with =--list-format=.
#+begin_src shell
youtube-dl --format 'bestvideo[width=1080,ext=mp4]+bestaudio[abr=320K,ext=opus]' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9VvdaLuSs
** Check the first 50 videos at certain date range
In this example, I want to download videos from [[roam:David Revoy]]'s YouTube channel that uploaded up to 2 months ago while checking only the first 50 videos.
This is a useful template especially if the channel has a large selection of videos.
Also useful if you're checking for videos daily to mitigate against potential bans from overusing it.
#+begin_src shell
youtube-dl --playlist-end 50 --dateafter 'today-2weeks' "https://www.youtube.com/c/DavidRevoy"