Now, it's all under the notebook umbrella. Seems to be appropriate as it is just my notes after all. I also updated some notes from there. I didn't keep track of what it is this time. Something about more learning notes extracted from my "Learning how to learn" course notes and then some. Lack of time and hurriness just makes it difficult to track but it should be under version control already.
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Apply search tools and techniques for your digital library
With digital files comes digital tools (and some techniques) to help us in searching for our notes. These can vary from complex technologies to simple format-agnostic techniques that can make querying files with specific information to be a breeze. [fn:: If you want to maintain your personal digital library, make sure to document how you work. Your future self will thank you later.]
In order to search effectively, you need to consider Desktop search engines that can also search File metadata. This is also great if you consider Maintaining a digital library for yourself.
For text files, you can consider A good tagging system for files for reducing information overload that also consider publication to the public (e.g., digital gardens, static site generators).
Creating a search interface is one thing; having the ability for retrieving resources is a must especially if your collection is getting big. Like real-life libraries, you need a system to refer to certain resources easily while adding new ones. What is the use of a collection if it's not being used? It is just like my unread collection of digital books I've sworn to read.
Applying well-thought searching practices and precautions reduces information overload especially when looking for broad domain topics. This is useful for researching technical topics where domain-specific topics are often present and you need a way to refer back to wider subjects; much more so if you want to create Reproducible research.
Reproducible research: principles for transparent science, Module 1: Lab books and notebooks, Section 5: Finding one's way with tags and desktop search application, retrieved as of June 2020 (2020-06-24)