This update is too large, I made too many notes on stuff. Nonetheless, it is very nice to see progress. I've made note revisions on the following topics: - Learning - Writing - Various Linux-related stuff I've yet to start learning illustration but I'll be starting tomorrow for an update how do I keep in mind with those writings. There are still a lot of things to be processed from the backlog with yet more notes on learning but I keep having those perspectives whenever I practice so ehhh... Better have those than nothing? Furthermore, I've also updated the timestamp format. It is pretty simple to update all of the notes with a couple of `sed` calls. Aaaand, I've also changed the way how the assets stored with the folders only leaving it up for the generated files instead of enforcing it on every note. I create more visual aids and managing them is a pain for each note. This restructuring frees me of that burden.
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Command line: pacman
The built-in package manager of Arch Linux (among others).
This note is based from pacman v6
and above.
Interestingly, pacman does not have subcommands with specific options. Instead, they go with specific flags denoting a subcommand. Practically, they're just subcommands except appearing as options.
# Rather than 'pacman install podman' or something similar.
pacman -S podman
Here's what you can do with the package manager:
are concerned with syncing the local database to the remote databases.-F
are mostly query-related operations with the database.-R
removes installed packages.
You can see more of them in the Operations section of the manual page (i.e., pacman.1
Welp, this is what you came for so let's go ahead.
It's a package manager so it's supposed to do basic package manager stuff. All of the shown commands are in longform with the shortform just commented for practical purposes.
# Search for a pacakge
# pacman -Ss podman
pacman --sync --search podman
# Install a package
# pacman -S podman
pacman --sync podman
# Uninstall a package
# pacman -Rns podman
pacman --remove --no-save --recursive podman
# Upgrade the system
# pacman -Syu
pacman --sync --refresh --upgrade
Package search selection
With everybody's favorite fuzzy finder, fzf.
pacman --sync --quiet --search pkg | fzf --prompt "Package to install > " | xargs doas pacman --sync
You can also create a search selection with all of the packages with the following one-liner.
pacman -S --list --quiet \
| fzf --multi --prompt "Install package(s) > " \
| xargs doas pacman -S --noconfirm