Even without the internet, however, it is still useful to find ways to refer to things or store them locally whether by roam:Archiving or [[id:0d2264a6-e487-4761-818a-d17d2833120f][Note-taking]].
This doesn't mean that you should avert remembering, that would be silly as [[id:c0e4fb0e-68f2-4db4-8c3e-f5a7845738c3][Understanding comes first from memory]].
- [[id:ea263f6f-fa8e-4e6d-a585-d30d493d1e3c][Add a desktop search engine for your digital library]].
- Referring to official documentation and tools (e.g., [[https://devdocs.io/][DevDocs]], [[https://zealdocs.org/][Zeal]]).
- Making full use of search tools from programs such as the command palette in [[roam:Visual Studio Code]], help system in Microsoft Word, and dynamic menus in roam:Blender.