Gabriel Arazas a506b6696f Make notes on creativity and ideas
With updates on how it relates on note-taking (among other things).
Since I have note-taking notes, that's the only thing to relate to right
now but there is a lot of untouched thoughts on other things such as
programming and illustration generally how inspirations and innovations
came from already existing things.

That's how successors are generally made but that goes for another
writing session.
2021-07-05 13:44:50 +08:00

18 lines
722 B
Org Mode

:ID: c886bc6d-e9dc-4f62-8841-59123236eda0
#+title: Failed ideas can be repurposed
#+date: "2021-06-24 18:08:23 +08:00"
#+date_modified: "2021-07-05 13:13:16 +08:00"
#+language: en
- oftentimes, these come from a lack of understanding (or misunderstanding)
- this is why research exists in the first place
- while some are taking risks investing into the new research, its concept and ideas can influence upcoming projects
- it could also take note on the failures and flaws of the research
- case in point: + Virtual Boy that eventually popularizes virtual reality
+ A bad animation can be used for an amateurish character
+ A very alien concept can be remixed with a new familiar concept